Complete Mediation Procedure from Virtual Mediation Solutions

If you are thinking of avoiding a lawsuit, family law mediation Ontario is your best option to resolve differences. It can save both time and money for the involved parties and can be conducted in person or online. During the past few years, various services have shifted online to a great extent. Nowadays, you can also choose to take mediation solutions online from companies like Virtual Mediation Solutions.

When it comes to settling legal issues, taking mediation Ontario services from a company like Virtual Mediation Solutions is a fantastic choice due to its many advantages. However, understanding how virtual mediation works before committing to it might help you maximize its benefits. Here is an explanation of the mediation procedure covered by Virtual Mediation Solutions:

The Initial Phase of Virtual Mediation

The goal of a virtual mediator is always to achieve the desired outcomes during a meeting. Therefore, during the early phases of virtual mediation, a mediator will make sure that both parties are available and comfortable with the meeting. The mediator will lay out the groundwork for the mediation session, outlining the rules and procedures that will be followed and outlining the desired outcomes. The mediator might suggest that both sides work together throughout the meeting.

Joint Discussion

Both sides have a chance to convey their side of the story and the impact of the conflict at this point. Consequences might be psychological, mental, or financial. Parties to a dispute may provide broad suggestions for resolving the conflict. At this point, whoever is speaking must not be interrupted by the other. To answer each other's opening remarks; the mediator will assemble the sides in a joint session.

Private Discussion

During the private discussion, the mediator tries to find the issues that a party cannot discuss openly in front of the other. During this discussion, the mediator also tries to find the strong ethical and legal points provided by the parties. The private caucus session is also a great way to discuss offers that a particular party needs to provide. Once an agreement has been made, the parties may sit down together and talk about how to implement it.

Meeting and Closure

If the separation mediation Ontario has been done virtually, and both parties agree on an agreement, the mediator will ask them to meet in person and have the parties sign a written agreement.

If you have any doubt regarding the mediation process, you can know more about it at


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